Joliet Drug Crimes Defense Lawyer

Criminal Attorney Handling Drug Possession, Manufacture, Trafficking Cases in Will County
The nature of drug crimes is constantly changing. For example, Illinois has decriminalized the possession of less than 10 grams of marijuana, reducing the penalty to just a fine of $100 to $200. Opioids, such as heroin and fentanyl, are the biggest problem today. To address the epidemic of overdose deaths, Illinois has responded by modifying drug laws and funding alternative programs proven to be more effective than incarceration in reducing repeat offenses.
At Honiotes Law Office, Ltd., we truly understand the cycle of drug use and related crimes. We know that criminal court proceedings and penalties such as incarceration do not solve the problem of drug crimes. We believe strongly in alternative sentencing programs that provide treatment and training to help clients become healthy and productive citizens.
Attorney Kristine Honiotes is one of the rare private defense attorneys with extensive experience in alternative programs for clients with drug use disorders and mental health issues. She is a long-time member of the National Association for Drug Court Professionals. She has represented over one hundred graduates from Drug Court and related programs, most of whom have not only avoided prison but also avoided a felony conviction. She has also worked closely with treatment providers to arrange for dozens of clients to receive substance abuse or mental health treatment outside of court programs.
With over 14 years of experience as a criminal defense lawyer, including 9 years as a public defender in Will County, Attorney Kristine Honiotes is eminently qualified to help clients accused of drug crimes and arrange for them to be diverted into appropriate programs.
Types of Drug Crimes We Defend
Any type of drug crime conviction can result in job termination and limit future job opportunities. Honiotes Law will provide a strong and effective defense against any type of drug charges including:
- Controlled substance possession, including possession of unauthorized prescription drugs.
- Drug manufacturing and delivery.
- Drug trafficking across state lines.
- Driving under the influence of a controlled substance or a combination of drugs and alcohol.
- Aggravated battery by unlawfully delivering a controlled substance to another person and any user of that substance experiences great bodily harm or permanent disability as a result.
- Drug-induced homicide by unlawfully delivering a controlled substance to another person and any user's death is caused by the consumption of that substance.
Examples of Alternative Sentencing Programs for Drug Cases
Honiotes Law is committed to getting eligible clients into one of Illinois's alternative sentencing programs such as:
410 Probation. This program is available to first-time drug offenders charged with Class 4 felony drug possession (720 ILCS 570/402c) or unauthorized possession of a prescription form (720 ILCS 570/406.2). 410 probation lasts for two years, during which time the offender must pass random drug tests, perform at least 30 hours of community service, and fulfill other requirements. If the probation is successfully completed, the charges will be dismissed and there will be no felony conviction on the offender's record (720 ILCS 570/410).
Drug Court. This program is available to non-violent offenders currently accused of a misdemeanor or felony crime. The program requires the offender to plead guilty to all charges, admit they have a drug or alcohol problem, and agree to participate in a treatment program. Successful completion of this 12- to 18-month program results in the original charges being dismissed, making the charges eligible for expungement (730 ILCS 166).
Treatment as a Condition of Probation (previously referred to as TASC probation). This program is open to non-violent offenders who have been diagnosed with a substance use disorder (that is, alcoholism or drug addiction), provided that the court believes the individual is likely to be rehabilitated through treatment and that the court sees a significant relationship between the individual's substance use disorder and the crime committed. By agreeing to participate in substance abuse treatment, the offender will be sentenced to probation for up to 5 years (length dependent on crime committed). Upon successful completion of the treatment program and any other conditions of probation, the charges will be dismissed (20 ILCS 301/40-5 and 40-10).
Drug Crimes Defense Attorney in Joliet
If you have been arrested on illegal drug or controlled substance charges, or if you have committed some other crime as a result of alcohol or drug addiction, choose Honiotes Law for your defense. Honiotes Law will make every effort to get you into a substance abuse treatment program which, if successfully completed, can leave you with a clean record. Contact the Joliet office of Honiotes Law at 815-409-7833 for a free initial consultation. We handle cases in Will County, DuPage County, Grundy County, Kane County, and Kendall County.